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Frequent Asked Questions!

Are you Organic?
We're organic in every sense except one: We're not certified by the USDA. But, we strictly follow organic procedures and protocols. We have never sprayed any synthetic or organically-approved pesticides or herbicides, and never will. We welcome any and all questions about our growing practices!
Are you hiring?
Check our Job Openings page for info on seasonal employment opportunities! Interested in joining the crew? Send us an email and tell us a little about yourself. (Note: Must be a resident of Routt/Moffat County)

Where can I find your produce?
During the season, you can find us at the Steamboat Farmer's Market (Saturdays 9-2), the Vail Farmer's Market (Sundays 9:30-3:30), the CAA Market in Steamboat (M-F 9:30-5:30), and through our CSA/Farm Share Program. We also work with local restaurants in Steamboat Springs, and donate food weekly to Lift Up.
What is a CSA?
CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture". In essence, it is a partnership between a Farm and the Community that supports it. CSA/Farm Share members pay a subscription fee at the beginning of each growing season. This provides the farm with indispensable revenue early in the season to buy seeds and supplies, and pay for labor before the land has started to produce. In return, CSA members pick up a weekly "share" of the farm in the form of 6-8 Veggies for the duration of the growing season. The CSA creates an intimate connection between the Farm and the Community. Our members are the biggest and most important supporters of the farm! Interest in joining? Head to our CSA page for more info.
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